Let's Crush the Lies That Keep You Invisible and Playing Small!

   Are You Tired of Being Stuck Waiting For The Success Everyone Else Seems to Have?

Crushing The Lies Special Offer!

This Special Offer Expires At
Midnight, November 9th 


You missed out!

I  Want You to Succeed!

My name is Pam Hamilton. And I've been where you are now. Heck, I used to be completely invisible!

I know how it feels to have beliefs that are keeping you away from your dreams, to be on the cusp of greatness only to find yourself sabotaging everything you worked so hard to create.

I spent years hiding in the shadows, afraid to let my light shine. But, I'm not there anymore.

Now a days I'm a bestselling co-author, a speaker, attorney, and business coach.

But first, I had to conquer my own self-limiting thoughts, too . . .

You can change the way you think to break patterns that no longer serve you!

Having gone through the transformation to visibility myself, I know how powerful this change can be. But knowing is only half the battle. It's what you do next that matters.

You owe it to yourself to begin this transformative process in a supportive space . . .  that's why I created my six week group coaching intensive program -

Crushing The Lies That Keep You Invisible
& Playing Small In Your Business.

Inside the program, we'll work together. You’ll get an honest look at which lies are holding you back from the success you’re craving. You’ll discover how these self-limiting beliefs are formed and more importantly, you’ll see why these beliefs just aren’t true.

You see, this isn’t about just thinking “good” thoughts. That’s not enough. Crushing your self-limiting beliefs is all about reprogramming the messages you’re telling yourself. It’s about training your mind to believe that a great business and a great life are absolutely possible for you! And I add a great life, because those self-limiting beliefs rarely just affect one area. It's pervasive.

Once you understand that, you’ll become unstoppable. You’ll begin to see that success doesn’t come down to who has the best website, which social media networks you use, your gender, body size, skin color, who you know, or even how much your product costs.

Having gone through the transformation to visibility myself, I know how powerful this change can be. 

Crushing Lies Will Create Powerful Possibility

Take me up on this offer and see what becomes possible. 

As you change your mindset and reprogram your thoughts, something powerful will happen for you. You’ll view yourself and your business differently. You’ll realize that you have the power to re-shape your story, speaking powerful words about yourself like this:

  • I have the skills and the smarts to run a successful business.
  • I am learning how to invest wisely in my business.
  • I choose to work on projects that energize and excite me.
  • I make good things happen in my business by making smart choices.
  • I am as successful as I believe I can be.

I truly want this for you. I want you to experience the same sense of power and abundant self-worth and confidence I've come to know. I want to help you get off the hamster wheel of failure and solidly on the road to success.

Level Up Your Business and Your Profits!

It’s time to stop hiding on the sidelines. You deserve to level up your business and earn more money than you ever thought possible.

Imagine your business six months from now. What results would you like to be seeing? Do you want to crack five figures a month? Be a sought-after speaker for industry events? Would you like to be launching products that your community will love?

That’s all possible…if you get serious about your mindset. When you change your mindset for the better, expect to see good changes in your life and in your business.

You can do this. I believe in you, and my six-week live coaching program can help you take the necessary steps to get you there.

 Here's What You'll 
      Get From The
   6-Week Program!

Six Weekly Small Group Sessions.

Each week we'll do a deep dive, dissecting one of the big lies that holds you back from your success. Then we'll breakdown why it's not true and look at the ways it plays out in your life. 

We'll discuss how to recognize it when it's happening and things you can do to counteract it on the spot! Plus tools and strategies to help you stay on track and build a habit that finally conquers that lie once and for all.

Week One: Tuesday, November 9th

Lie #1: I don’t have enough time.

Week Two: Tuesday, November 16th 

Lie #2: I don’t have enough money.

Week Three: Tuesday, November 23 

Lie #3: I’m not good enough.

Week Four: Tuesday, November 30th

Lie #4: Nobody wants to learn from me.

Week Five: Tuesday, December 7th 

Lie #5: There are too many, or not enough people!

Week Six: Tuesday, December 14th

Lie #6: They’re not going to accept me, because . . .


Access to a private members only space so you can interact with me and other members between sessions for ongoing support.

All sessions hosted on Zoom @7:30 pm eastern, with lifetime access to lesson replays, downloadable handouts and worksheets in your members area.


I used to be invisible. Now, I'm not.
I don't play small anymore,
and you don't have to either.
Crush the lies holding you back!

Special Completion Bonus!

When you complete the six week program, I'm gifting you one free month of membership in my Visibility and Mindset Mastermind Group to keep the momentum going on your business growth.

This is a powerful bonus with a real life value of $197. You'll soon discover having a mastermind to support and encourage you is priceless.

Crushing The Lies That Keep You Invisible And Playing Small

Sign-up  Today!

Only $197.00

Use coupon code: "FAST100" to get 50% off 

Live Training Starts Tuesday, November 9th, 7:30 pm
* All Times Eastern 

Coupon is valid through Midnight November 9th.
Purchase guarantees access to the replay in case you can't attend live.  

Copyright Building Visibility