The Journey To Visibility Can Be Hard When You're On Your Own!
But YOU Don't Have To Go It Alone Anymore . . .

Welcome Boost Your Business
Bundle Participants!
I created the Mindset & Visibility Mastermind just for entrepreneurs like you, who understand the importance of being visible.
Visibility gives us the opportunity to create an impact on the world around us.
We want more visibility because we want to have more impact.
There's so much to dig into around visibility. We need to know how to get more visible and at the same time battle our fears of being seen.
Feeling Invisible Sucks

No matter what business you're in showing up as your fully visible and authentic beautiful self makes a difference. It helps you attract the right customers, make more money and grow a business you actually love waking up to.
Breaking Old Patterns
Can Be Hard

You know Self-limiting beliefs and old habits can be hard to break. So you're not looking for an overnight transformation, you just want to keep moving steadily in the right direction.
Are You Ready To Finally Be Visible In Your Life And Business?
Living into our purpose, creating all we want to in our businesses, we need support, encouragement and sometimes an actual push!
Joining a mastermind can help with that!
I Can Help You To Get Visible!
My name is Pam Hamilton. And I've been where you are now. Heck, I used to be completely invisible!
I know how it feels to have beliefs that are keeping you away from your dreams, to be on the cusp of greatness only to find yourself sabotaging everything you worked so hard to create.
I spent years hiding in the shadows, afraid to let my light shine. But, I'm not there anymore.
Now a days I'm a bestselling co-author, a speaker, attorney, and business coach.

But first, I had to conquer my own self-limiting beliefs and habits just like you . . . so I get it, I understand the journey and how to get past the pitfalls.
Mindset And Visibility Mastermind

You will meet with me online in small weekly groups to discuss personal goals, breakthroughs & blocks. We all grow as we share ideas, encouragement and strategies.

You will have access to a private forum for ongoing encouragement and support. Ask me questions anytime and never feel left out in the cold again!

Participate in quarterly skill shops. These trainings will address a new technique or strategy we can use in creating more visibility for our business or self.
Upcoming topics will include...
- Building Effective Landing Pages
- Design Subscriber Gifts That Resonate With Your People
- Leveraging Canva & Stock Photo Sites To Create Images For Your Business
Join Us And Finally Grow
A Business You Love!
Right now you can join as a Founding Member
at the lowest price this will ever be offered!
Weekly Mastermind Meetings, Quarterly Skill Shops, & Private Forum Access
Use Coupon Code BYBB22
Q: Is there a minimum membership commitment?
A: You can stay as long as you want, no minimums.
Q: Will my membership fee ever increase?
A: Founding Members never experience a price increase for as long as you maintain your membership.
Q: When and where do we meet?
We currently meet in my Zoom Room on Thursdays at 3:00 pm eastern
*Additional times to be added soon
Copyright Building Visibility