Discover how entrepreneurs like you have skyrocketed their businesses using one simple formula!
You're Invited To The Business Profit Equation Virtual Summit - FREE!
Statistics say 90% of new businesses fail in the first five years, half in just their first year.
That’s pretty scary odds if you’re thinking of starting a new business, or you are trying to grow one right now. But I don't want you to be afraid anymore because you can learn from their mistakes and my Business Profit Equation ensures you don't repeat them!

I Know You Don't Want To Be Counted In Any Future Failure Stats...
That's why I've put this summit together for you.
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about running a business
you love can be organized under three key areas.
Visibility, Structure & Systems.
That's why my equation P=VS2 was born.
I Learned About This The Hard Way.
You Don't Have To!
When I first started working for myself, I was excited. It had always been a dream of mine.
As an attorney, I already knew about business structures and immediately setup the one I knew would be right for my business. But, the rest?
I struggled to gain traction. I had always been invisible. And, it was no different with my new fledgling business. No one knew I existed. In fact, if it hadn’t been for my former employer contracting my services, I probably would have been one of the 50% of business that fail in the first year. I was lucky.
I studied successful small businesses and guess what I noticed? Across the board, business owners were highly visible - really putting themselves out there.
Looking at my own business, that wasn't true at all. I knew I need to get willing to be more visible. It took some major mindset shifts on my part. But, I learned to embrace visibility, and my business profited because of it.

When I Got More Visible, I Got More Work!
Suddenly like so many other small business owners, I found myself working day and night. I missed deadlines and almost lost clients because I couldn’t keep up with the demand.
I needed help and yet, felt I didn’t have time to train anyone! I felt overwhelmed. Then, I remembered my days of working at McDonald’s. They had systems and standard operating procedures for everything, even how to bag a customer’s order and present it to them! So, I decided to do the same. Then I recruited an intern to try it out. It worked beyond my wildest imagination. I created SOPs for everything, and slowly got my time back. And, an unexpected side benefit was that my income became more reliable too!
As my business grew and I worked with more and more clients, I saw successful businesses that had all of these elements in place, and others where the business certainly seemed successful, but the owners weren’t happy. And, always I could see that one or more of the formula’s elements were missing.
I coach my clients to implement these elements into their business strategy and it never fails to create something positive. As I received their thanks and appreciation over and over, I realized this was something every business owner could benefit from. Now, I am bringing this equation to the world.
I invite you to join me and a hand selected panel of guest speakers, from the comfort of your home as we each take a deep dive into implementing an aspect of the Business Profit Equation.
Featured Guests Include

Jennifer Burke
Feel the Fears, Do the Tech Anyway - The 3 Things You Need in Starting Your Online Business.

Kimberley Wiggins
Visibility and Growth: Using Podcasts to Spread Your Message, and Establish Your Expertise.

Tiffanie Davis
It's Your Life - You Don't Have to Be a Statistic. You Can Exceed Society's Limited Expectations to Create the Life You Choose.
Connie Ragen Green
"Booster Rockets” to Exponentially
Increase Your Visibility.

Rosie Battista
Card Deck Creation, a Unique and Personable Way to Leave a Positive Impression That's Uniquely You.

Cindy Bidar
Six Figure Business: How to Use Systems to Grow Your Business. Without the Frustration, and Overwhelm.

Cindy Rushton
Marketing On a Shoestring! Don't Let a Small Budget Keep You From Building a Business You Love.

Michelle D. Garrett
Using Social Media Effectively for Your Business

Jamie Van Cuyk
Effective Hiring for Business Growth:
How to know when it's time to hire; prepare to hire for an effective team; & ensure a positive ROI when hiring.

Karen Lynn Robinson
5 Steps to Resiliency for Women in Business
I'm thrilled to be bringing this amazing group together for your benefit. I look forward to helping you understand how to apply what you discover and create that business you'll love more than ever!

Register For Free Today!
October 8-10th
Thursday, October 8th, 12:30 - 4:30 pm
Friday, October 9th, 12:30 - 4:30 pm
Saturday, October 10th, 10:30 am - 3:00 pm
* All Times Eastern
When you register, you will receive event reminders so you won't miss a thing - and yes, I'm going to give you access to recordings for a short window of time following each live session.
Plus, you'll get free gifts from guest speakers and other unannounced bonuses.
Copyright Building Visibility