Unlocking Success: The Best Time To Post On LinkedIn – Curated

In today's digital age, LinkedIn is not just a platform for showcasing your resume; if you're intent on being a speaker, coach, or want to be seen as an expert, it's a social network that you need to be on. I've had a real love/hate relationship with Linkedin for a long time. So I've come to learn the hard how much I actually needed it after literally deleting my account a few years ago. In fact, I had a friend of mine in stitches when she looked at my newly recreated account and saw I had one connection! I'm working on remedying that. Now a days I'm working to learn how to use the platform most effectively and came across a great article by Sarah Cha about how to determine the best time to schedule posts to your profile so they actual get seen by your intended in audience. The article is called "When is the best time to post on LinkedIn in 2023?"

After all, what's the point of crafting quality content if it gets lost in the noise?

According to Sarah, the timing of your LinkedIn posts matters more than you might think. In her guide, we get to explore why timing is crucial, factors to consider when choosing your posting strategy, the best times to post on LinkedIn by the day, and tips to help you find your ideal posting schedule.

Why Timing Matters on LinkedIn

LinkedIn works using an algorithm as does most social media and search engines. The factors it looks at are likes, engagement, shares, comments and click-through rates and the first few hours after your post goes live is when it's measuring. Getting those measurements high during those initial few hours gets LinkedIn ranking your content as valuable. And that means it gets shown for a longer time period and is given a wider reach.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Posting Strategy

Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a universal best time to post. Sarah says their are key factors you need to look at to determine the best time for you. 1. Your Target Audience: Time zones matter. Post when your audience is active to avoid your content being buried under a sea of posts. Use LinkedIn analytics to determine your audience's location and adapt accordingly. 2. Purpose of Your Post: Tailor your posting time to your content's purpose. Industry updates may do well on weekdays, while thought-provoking content suits mid-week. Product launches benefit from mid-week posts, while tutorials find an audience in early afternoons. While there are some general statistics about best times to post on Linkedin by day, time and audience times, there's really no one-size fits all answer. And answering the two questions above need to be answered even to effectively use the general day/time suggestions. Get More Information In the article Sarah goes deep offering five strategies to help you figure out the best LinkedIn posting strategy for your business. Because, ultimately the best time for you to post depends on your audience's habits and preferences. I highly encourage you to read the full article to get the full scope. Check out her detailed article for expert insights and actionable tips on the best times to post on LinkedIn. Don't leave your LinkedIn success to chance—optimize your timing and watch your engagement soar.  


Curated, Sarah Cha


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About the Author

Pam Hamilton is a mindset and visibility coach who's serious about helping women over 50 get past the mindset hurdles that keep them invisible and playing small. She does this with her signature "Practicing the Ten Principles of Visibility and "Mindset Reset" coaching programs so you can finally find the courage to seen and achieve the success breakthrough you want and deserve. Visit: BuildingVisibility.com/gift to grab your Free Visibility Journal.

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