Attention Women Who Are Tired Of Being The Best Kept Secret In Their Industry

I Know You Want To Increase Your Visibility, Attract More Of Your Ideal Clients And Finally Grow A Business You Love.

Join The One Community That Will Help You Find The Courage To Be Seen!

Imagine you, at the top of your game. . . You're no longer the best kept secret at what you do. In fact, you're considered a thought leader in your field. 

That Can Be YOU!

You don't have to just imagine it any more. You could be living the lifestyle, having the impact, and building the business that makes your heart sing.

It's ALL About Being Seen. And You're Not Being Seen Enough!

Let’s be honest . . . you already know you have to be more visible. You say you're not because you're an introvert, because you can't figure out the tech, don't know where to start, or you just hate being salesy.  

You beat yourself up because you think you just need to find a marketing strategy that works better. But, the truth is -  it's your fear that's stopping you from being seen. 

It's the fear that makes you keep your mouth shut in the spaces where your voice most needs to be heard. . . that makes you not accept the invitations that would showcase your talents and let your light shine. . .that makes you leave opportunities to promote yourself untaken – Because the fear and self-doubt wins everytime. It's the elephant in the room no one talks about.

I promise you though, there’s a way you can change that. You can conquer the fear and gain the courage to live your vision. It takes embracing all of who you are. It takes practice. I know, because I did it. And, I can help you do it too.


You Just Need A Safe Space To Work On Increasing Your Visibility



The Community With Real Solutions For Your Visibility Problem!

My Name Is Pam Hamilton, And I Used To Be Invisible . . .

That I used to be invisible is honestly the most important thing I can tell you about myself. And, not so long ago that I don’t remember how it feels to be where you are right now. 

I chose invisibility at the ripe old age of 9 when I discovered I liked girls. From that moment on keeping my secret, and the fear of being found out kept me hidden. 

As an adult my prime directive, like the starship enterprise, was to be invisible. And it kept me from achieving my goals and living the life I dreamed of. 

Today, I’m living full out, as myself, in authentic visibility.  And, my superpower is that I can see through your invisibility cloak. And, I can help you take it off for good.

That’s what this club is all about.

Pam Hamilton, Mindset & Visibility Expert

Here's What You'll Get As A Member

What I'm offering you through this community of like-minded women is the ability to benefit from my experience. To be able to use the principles, strategies and techniques that helped me change my life and my client's lives, so that you can change yours, without all the years of painstaking trial and error it took me. More than anything, as an active member you'll be able to stop being so afraid. You'll find the courage to become seen. 

Working with you [Pam] has taken what feels like a ton of weight off my shoulders. In 18 years I’ve never felt more confident in myself and my ability to succeed and that’s all because of you!
                    — Sandra Bray

The truth is becoming seen is not an overnight process. So this membership offers you a powerfully impactful year designed to help you increase your visibility and begin taking steps to create more of what you really want. It’s meant to support you on your visibility journey.  So you can finally attract more of the right people into your life and business. 

Hi Pam, I want to let you know that your webinar had a decisive impact. With a shift in mindset towards greater truth, obstacles quickly cleared out on the inside, making room for more expansion on the outside. And I know this is just a beginning. I feel like I can breathe.
                                            — Emma Laurence 

Finding the courage to be seen, is an inside job. As a member of the Visibility Builder’s Club you’ll get help and support doing that work. At year’s end you’ll be more comfortable in your own skin, better able to share your message and to implement marketing strategies that fit your strengths effectively to increase your visibility, attract more of your dream clients and finally grow a business you love...

Click The Button To Invest In Yourself For One Full Year So You Can Get Off The Sidelines And Get Seen!

Here’s what’s included And How YOU Benefit: 

The Visibility Builder's Club is what's know as a 'Fixed-Term' membership. It lasts for a 12-month period. During that time-frame you will receive the following benefits and resources to help you increase your visibility.  

Get access to two Q&A style group coaching mindset calls each month, along with the replays, for 12 months.  Ask questions & get help as you need it.  

Access weekly affirmations, that will work for you, guided visualizations, mindset exercises and other resources to focus on so you can develop a more positive mindset. 

A private safe and protected community on Heartbeat, exclusively for the like-minded women who belong to this club. So you won’t be alone.  

Ready To Get Started? Just Click The Button Below!

Click The Green Button To Get Access Now.

For A Limited Time Get Founding Member Special Pricing 

$27 Monthly for 12 months (Or Save with a 1-time payment of only $299!)

Here's What A Few Other Folks Have Said About Working With Me

What an amazing course!  I was playing small and not understanding what being visible was all about. Recognizing that I was good enough to have success in my life and learning how to let go of past business failures and my fears, kept me attending this course. The other group participants were truly
honest about their weaknesses within their businesses and themselves too. We became a large support for each other every time we had a session. 

-- Gladys Miller

The supportive group meetings with other clients of Pam's form a bond with a similar purpose making it an easy place to speak about goals, wins and setbacks.  Having Pam as a coach helped me recognize not only the areas, I needed to grow from but also to recognize the areas I have grown from. If you feel as if you’re too old or not good enough to share your great idea to the world, Pam will help you learn that you are worthy of having all that your heart desires and that you can do it.

-- Lyra Watkins

Pam is magical when it comes to story coaching! 

She took me from a pile of notes to a full-fledged 30-minute talk! I had been trying to put my talk together for ages . . .  It took Pam just TWO sessions to get it laid out for me. And entirely written out. . . I wasn't just saying something, but it was being told in a way that evoked emotion and reaction from those listening to me. I highly recommend Pam and her coaching! 

-- Tishia Lee

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQS

Q.  Do I have to stay for the whole year?    

A. The short answer is no. But, you will get the most benefit if you do. Becoming seen is about changing your mindset and letting go of old stories. It's not an overnight process. And, you are worth the investment of time, effort and money in yourself to make the change.

Q.  Can I get a refund?    

A. Yes. You can cancel and get a full refund anytime within the first 30-days. After the refund period you may still cancel your membership at anytime. However, you will not receive a refund. Your subscription will be cancelled at the end of any remaining time in your payment cycle.  

Q. Who is this for? Can Anyone join?

A. This membership works best for women solopreneurs, small business owners, coaches and service providers who want to be more visible in their business. However, it will also benefit mature women who want to be more visible in their life or career. 

Q. Do I have to already have a business to join?

A. No you do not have to have a business. This membership will help you become more visible in your business,  a job, and in your day-to-day life. 

Q. Affirmations Have never worked for me, what makes this different?

A. Affirmations work when your mind can believe what's being said. So often when we grab a stock affirmation and try to use it, our mind fights against it because it doesn't believe what's being said. In this program we use affirmation frameworks that are modified for your specific use. So your mind believes what's being said and can work with you instead of fighting you.

Q. What happens if I have to miss a call?

A. You will get the most benefit from your membership if you show up for the calls and do the work of becoming seen. But,sometimes life happens . . . so all the calls will be recorded and the replays made available to you in your member area.  Which means you can watch the replay and share your ahas in our private community for feedback and engagement.

Q. What is a guided visualization?

A.  A guided visualization is a voice-guided  form of meditation. In each session you will be lead through a focused journey to help you release the blocks keeping you from moving forward and let go of more of your fears. 

Q. Does this include private coaching, how much access do I get to you?

A.  No, this is not private coaching. I will be available via Zoom, for two calls per month. And, in the heartbeat community. If you need additional help you can check out my 1:1 coaching packages.

Q. Will you help me build a website, email list or market my business?

A.  Membership in this club is meant to help you find the courage to be seen. So that you can do all the things needed to promote yourself and your business effectively. However, I can recommend the best people to help you get them done when you feel you're ready.

Q. Is there a private community? Do I  have to go on Facebook?

A.  The good news you can be a part of our community and never set foot on Facebook. We have a private community on Heartbeat that is hosted on my site. And, it's for members only. 

Q. Is this a self-study course?

A. It's actually a hybrid. There are parts, like doing the exercises, watching replays and daily affirmations that are done on your own and at your own pace. However, the groups calls are live with me.  There are also Workshops and guided visualizations that will be done live initially and then offered in the membership as a replay.  

Q. If I cancel, can I come back later?

A.  Absolutely. You can always cancel your membership at any time. However, you will lose your access to the club, it's benefits and the protected pricing you received as a founding member.  You can always come back at the price being charged at that time.  And restart the lessons from the beginning. 

Q. Is this a lifetime membership?

A.  This membership is for 1-year.  It's what's called a fixed-term membership. So your access will last for 12 full months from the date you join. However, you can renew your club access as many times as you would like to get the most out of each of the lessons, training and other resources. 

Copyright (C)  2024  Pam Hamilton |Building Visibility

 All Rights Reserved 

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