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Pam Hamilton, Mindset & Visibility Expert

Pam Hamilton, Mindset & Visibility Expert

Are You Tired of feeling invisible and stuck, always shrinking from the limelight and being the best kept secret in your industry?

I Help Women Solopreneurs And Small Business Owners Find The Courage To Be Seen So They Can Finally Increase Their Visibility, Attract More Of Their Ideal Clients And Grow A Business And Life They Love

Because that’s really the sticking point isn’t it? For one reason or another, you need to get more comfortable with eyes on you. Believe me I get it. I’ve been there.  The truth is I used to be invisible just like you.  That’s why I know I can help you become seen too. In fact, I wrote a book on it!

How I Help?

  The way I do this is through my Visibility Builder’s Club and Coaching Programs using the foundation offered in my
  book “The Ten Principles of Visibility” to help you get more comfortable in your own skin, dump feelings of impostor   syndrome, and gain confidence and clarity in your message so you can embrace your authentic self and promote yourself or   your business effectively. 

Here's What A Few Folks Had To Say About Working With Me

“Pam helped me to be willing to put my face and my name on camera. Now I am more confident when being online with Zoom sessions.”

                  — Fran Watson,
         Career Success Coach

“Pam is an amazing coach. She shares her own journey and expertise to help others on their journey. Each week in her masterclasses she challenges us to take at least one step forward, encouraging us to set up achievable unique goals”

— Lorraine Durnford-Hill, RECE|RC| Parent Coach

Today was phenomenal! I don’t find it easy to sit for extended periods of time and be focused so, I’ll be honest, I was nervous. But Day 1 was exactly what I needed in this moment. Honing out my core values and vision statements was long overdue and this was the first time it was presented in a way that I could simply do and believe I’d refer back to them.”  

                  — Michelle Garrett 
             Divas With A Purpose


Thanks so much, Pam Hamilton! I learned some key visibility strategies from your course. You’re a leader in paving a way for people to show up. Appreciating you

            — Emma Laurence,                    CLC, Burnout Coach

“As a solopreneur, you can’t see your own blind spots. I came to Pam considering a pivot in my business. With multiple interests, I was unsure of which direction to move in. Without forward progress, I was doubting and talking myself out of my big ideas. Through insightful questioning, she guided me to pull the threads together and create a cohesive platform, clear up my mindset and quickly implement in a very short time period. She acknowledges you as a whole person with a full life, but won’t hesitate to gently challenge you when needed. I found her to be down to earth, easy to talk with and patient; and totally present and caring in our conversations. I personally felt seen, heard, supported, encouraged and energized when working with her. With renewed confidence, I was able to take action with a clear vision. If you are looking for these things in a coach, I highly recommend Pam’s one to one and group programs.

                  — Cindy Carothers, 
         Community Outreach & Collaboration

I'm Passionate About Helping Women Like You Find The Courage To Be Seen

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"5 Tips To Increase Your Visibility This Week"