Ready To STOP Feeling Invisible?

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FREE GUIDE REVEALS . . . how to increase your visibility without the overwhelm.

When you're highly visible to the right people all the best things can happen! And, yet, it can be really scary to put yourself out there and be seen. In this guide I've lined up five simple things you can do THIS WEEK to start boosting your visibility without the scare factor. It's everything you need to know to take swift action.


Inside This Guide You'll Discover . . .
  • How to Use Images to Quickly Boost Your Visibility . . .
  • How to Create Meaningful Relationships Through Virtual Events and Meeting!
  • Tips for Creating an Email Signature That Gets You Noticed
  • 3 Simple Ways to Reduce Anxiety & Stay Calm While Participating in Groups & Forums!
  • How to Provide Content People Consider Valuable, Even if You Don't Have a Blog or Podcast!  

Just enter your name and best email in the orange box and push the big white button.  

Meet Mindset & Visibility Expert,
Pam Hamilton 

Pam Hamilton

I write, speak and offer coaching and courses around mindset and visibility. Because, I know firsthand about being invisible, hiding in the shadows and playing small. And, I can say for sure, that visibility isn't just about marketing. . .

It's about finding the courage to be seen.

Today, I'm passionate about helping women business owners and solopreneurs over 50, like you. find that courage. Because, I know moving past the fear is the only way you can truly increase your visibility, attract more of your ideal clients and finally get that success breakthrough you want and deserve.

I used to be invisible . . . now I'm not. And, the journey to visibility changed my life.

As the author of "The Ten Principles of Visibility" and co-author of "Get Past Your Shit" I want you to know there is joy, hope and possibility ahead as you step into your own the light. And I'd be honored to help you get there. 

What Clients Are Saying

Sandra Bray 

. . . Working with you [Pam] has taken what feels like a ton of weight off my shoulders. In 18 yeas I’ve never felt more confident in myself and my ability to succeed and that’s all because of you!

Emma Laurence - Burnout Coach 

Hi Pam, I want to let you know that your Crushing Lies webinar had a decisive impact. With a shift in mindset towards greater truth, obstacles quickly cleared out on the inside, making room for more expansion on the outside. And I know this is just a beginning. I feel like I can breathe.

Tiffanie Davis
Tiffany Davis - Realtor

I really thank you [Pam] for coaching me last year. I learned so much about me and about starting a business. I value you and your service. I recommend you all the time . . .

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