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Saving the Starfish: How Visibility Impacts the Lives You’re Meant to Touch

brown starfish on hand

Have you ever heard the story of the young girl on the beach, tirelessly picking up starfish and tossing them back into the ocean? Despite thousands of stranded starfish baking in the sun, she kept going, one by one. When someone questioned her effort, saying it wouldn’t make a difference, she held up a starfish and replied, “It matters to this one.”

It’s a story I shared recently in my “Saving the Starfish” video upload and it’s one that resonates deeply when we talk about visibility in our businesses.

At first glance, the story feels comforting. It’s about the impact of small actions, the idea that every bit counts. But if you’re like me, and you’ve spent time hiding in the shadows, it also holds a deeper challenge.

Because, the thing is, while it mattered to the starfish she saved, it also mattered to the ones she didn’t. And for those further down the beach, who didn’t even know a solution existed, her visibility—the act of being seen—would have meant the world.

Why Hiding Hurts the People Who Need You Most

When fear of judgment or perfectionism keeps us playing small, we rob others of the opportunity to benefit from our unique gifts.

It’s not just about us—it’s about the people who need what only we can offer. The client stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, the team waiting for inspired leadership, the customer looking for a product or service that only you can deliver in your unique way.

By staying invisible, we leave them stranded like those starfish on the beach.

The Fear of Being Seen

I get it—visibility is scary. It’s easy to worry about looking foolish, failing publicly, or being seen as not enough, or even way too much. But here’s the thing: the fear never fully goes away.

What changes is your relationship with it. Fear is a sign you’re stepping into something that matters. It’s your brain trying to keep you “safe,” but it doesn’t know the difference between danger and growth.

Your Visibility Is Someone’s Lifeline

That might sound overly dramatic. Yet, think about those people further down the beach—the ones you haven’t reached yet. Just like the starfish that gave up hope because they didn’t have a solution that could save them – people can feel that way too.

I certainly can attest to that for myself. Growing up as a gay teenager in the 60’s and 70’s I literally thought I was the only female in the world experiencing those feelings. In fact,  many gay teenagers committed suicide because of the feelings of the isolation and loneliness that robbed them of hope.

I was lucky though, one day a neighbor spoke to me out of the blue about being gay. It let me know I wasn’t alone. And, I was then able to talk to my family who I found loved and accepted me as I was.

But what if that neighbor hadn’t spoken to me? What if she had kept her knowledge to herself?

What would change for the people who needed you, if you started showing up? What opportunities could open up if you leaned into your gifts and shared them authentically?

Your voice, your story, and your expertise matter. They’re the lifeline someone else is waiting for, and showing up—even imperfectly—even totally not ready yet — can make all the difference.

Start with Small Steps

Visibility doesn’t have to be about giant leaps. It’s not about shouting from the rooftops, or even plastering your face everywhere. It’s about consistent, authentic action – and the willingness to let people see the real you. Start where you are and take one step today:

  • Share a story about why you do what you do.
  • Leave a meaningful comment on someone’s post.
  • Reach out to someone in your network to connect.

Every small action builds momentum. And eventually to bigger actions. Do it consistently and before you know it you will be making the kind of impact you only use to dream of. 

Ready to Save More Starfish?

If you’re tired of playing small and want practical, stress-free steps to stop being the best-kept secret in your industry, I’ve got just the thing for you.

Download my Visibility Checklist: Practical, Stress-Free Steps to Help You Stop Being the Best-Kept Secret in Your Industry.

This free guide is designed to help you build visibility in a way that feels authentic, aligned, and achievable—without feeling sleazy, pushy, or overwhelmed.

👉 Get the Your FREE Copy of The Checklist Here!

Remember, your gifts matter. Your voice matters. And the clients who need you are waiting.

It’s time to save your starfish.

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