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Worrying Hits Pause On Purpose


I just checked out this great blog post and video from my friend Kelly McCausey. I am a big believer in taking control of your own happiness and mindset. Part of that means keeping a positive attitude and not letting worry and other negative emotions derail me. So, I was really jazzed when I saw this post about not letting worry knock you off track from your goals and life purpose.

In the article Kelly says:

“Worry is what humans do and sometimes it serves us well, keeping us mindful of what’s important, sparking action and solving problems.

On the other hand, constant worry does not serve us well at all. It keeps us wrapped up in fear, focused on the worst that could happen.

Indulging in worry too often and too long is a good way to hit the pause button on fulfilling your purpose in life.”

Check out the full article and video at: Worry Hits Pause On Purpose


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