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Work With Me

Imagine, this is your moment – you’re recognized as the thought leader you are.  Standing in the spotlight, as your authentic self, No longer the best kept secret in your industry.  Your expertise and ideas finally making the kind of impact in the world you always knew you were meant to . . . 

And – what if you could do it without the fear and overwhelm that usually comes with the very thought of being in the limelight?

That’s where I come in

Grow Your Visibility From The Inside Out

Most people who talk about visibility and brand building tend to focus on marketing. They want to give you strategies and tactics to use to promote your business.  Except, that you and I know visibility is about more than marketing.

It’s about finding the courage to be seen.

My name is Pam Hamilton, and I used to be invisible. Now, I’m not. And, I understand that visibility, becoming seen, is an inside job. And, I’m on a mission to help women just like you to finally step out of the shadows; to stop hiding and playing small in your business. So you can increase your visibility authentically, attract more of your ideal clients and grow a business and life you love.

What I Do

What I actually do, is help you become more “comfortable in your own skin.”  That probably sounds a little strange coming from a “visibility” expert.  But, I’m not just any ordinary visibility expert. I am the mindset and visibility expert, because those two things are inextricably linked. I understand from personal experience that how you feel about you, affects how you show up in the world. 

The difference you’ll find in working with me is that I’m all about helping you discover and own your strengths and differences so that we can create ways for you to show up that feel natural and authentic for you. When you do that you get to dump feelings of impostor syndrome, gain confidence and clarity in your message and embrace the fullness of who you are. Because ultimately, you are your brand. You being you is what will attract your best clients and customers. And, it won’t require you to do things that feel yucky, sleezy or like a used car salesman.

Let's Discover The Approach To Becoming Seen That works Best For You

I had a very wise coach that once said to me – “When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”  Those were wise words indeed. There are a ton of reasons why someone might feel or even prefer to be invisible. We will work together to determine yours, and the best ways to address them so you can move forward.

You’ll never hear me say you have to blog, podcast, do videos or use social media to connect with your audience. Instead I use the framework established in my book “The Ten Principles of Visibility” to help you create authentic visibility from the inside out. Because when we change how you feel about yourself, it changes how you show up and how you are seen in the world. Which means we will always start with you. What do you do best, what do you enjoy doing, who do you want to connect with and how do you want to serve them. 

Here Are Some Ways I Help You Reach Your Goal of Becoming Seen

When we work together, I am your mindset and visibility coach and advisor. I help you get clear on what you want, and how you want to get there. And more importantly, I will help you discover ways to manage your mindset so that you can change your beliefs about your ability to get there.

Here are some of the specific things I can help you with.

  • Letting go of negative stories and limiting beliefs
  • Improving your sense of self-worth and confidence
  • Letting go of perfectionism so you can move forward towards your goals
  • Clarifying you message and signature story
  • Owning your uniqueness factor
  • Creating a visibility plan for sharing your message
  • Developing a more positive mindset and outlook on life

If you’re feeling invisible and want helping finding the courage to be seen, I’m your gal. If you’re looking for a web designer, copywriter, graphics help and so on, I’m not it. However, I may be able to point you in the direction of some reputable folks who are. 

I founded Building Visibility in 2020, specifically to do this work. And, it would genuinely be my pleasure to help you on your journey to becoming seen.

Options For Working With Me

Depending on your needs and circumstances, we can work together in one of the following four ways.

  1. 1-on-1 Coaching – Regular in-depth calls and unlimited email/voxer access.
  2.  Get Unstuck Strategy Session – Hop on a one-hour call and get help to unravel a sticking point in your business or life as it relates to your visibility journey.  
  3. Group Workshops – Focused calls that help with a specific aspect of increased visibility.
  4. Visibility Builders Club – This is a 1-year (fixed-term) membership built on the foundation offered in my book “The Ten Principles Of Visibility.” It is primarily a self-help program with built-in group coaching calls. You can learn more here.  


You can learn more about the Visibility Builders Club by simply clicking here.

To work with me in any of the other methods simply email me at
and let me know a little bit about how I may be able to help you. I will get back to you right away.

Pam is magical when it comes to story coaching!She took me from a pile of notes to a full-fledged 30-minute talk! I had been trying to put my talk together for ages . . . It took Pam just TWO sessions to get it laid out for me. And entirely written out. . . I wasn’t just saying something, but it was being told in a way that evoked emotion and reaction from those listening to me. I highly recommend Pam and her coaching!

  — Tishia Lee

Having Pam as a coach helped me recognize not only the areas, I needed to grow from but also to recognize the areas I have grown from. If you feel as if you’re too old or not good enough to share your great idea to the world, Pam will help you learn that you are worthy of having all that your heart desires and that you can do it.

— Lyra Watkins

What an amazing course! I was playing small and not understanding what being visible was all about. Recognizing that I was good enough to have success in my life and learning how to let go of past business failures and my fears, kept me attending this course. 

— Gladys Miller

“As a solopreneur, you can’t see your own blind spots. I came to Pam considering a pivot in my business. With multiple interests, I was unsure of which direction to move in. Without forward progress, I was doubting and talking myself out of my big ideas. Through insightful questioning, she guided me to pull the threads together and create a cohesive platform, clear up my mindset and quickly implement in a very short time period.

— Cindy Carothers,

Hi Pam, I want to let you know that your webinar had a decisive impact. With a shift in mindset towards greater truth, obstacles quickly cleared out on the inside, making room for more expansion on the outside. And I know this is just a beginning. I feel like I can breathe.
— Emma Laurence

You can also find lots of great information and freebies on my blog at BuildingVisiblity.Com