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Have You Tapped Into Your Own Personal Power

This post is curated from Pat Bumpass. In my book “The Ten Principles of Visibility,”  and the course based on it, I speak about Self-Determination.

It’s a way of tapping into your personal power and owning what you do with your life and how you do it. It’s powerful and it blocks out any room for victimhood regardless of your situation, because you have the power to change in your hands. Or more accurately in your mind.

According to Pat one way to begin to tap into your power is to
Ask yourself one question to help you make a decision: Will this choice help me attain my goals? If the answer is affirmative, proceed accordingly. Use your personal power to make the proper decision and then watch what happens to you as a result. You can go deeply into something with personal strength and then see what can be done with it.

Listen to Your Self-Talk

When I am working with clients I advise to listen to their inner conversations, their self-talk. Similarly Pat suggests becoming more aware of your thoughts and actions. Why, because becoming aware of your thoughts  and actions gives you the ability to change your life. You begin to recognize when you’re repeating actions you want to change and more importantly you can see what thoughts are contributing to those actions.

It’s a powerful concept and one I wholeheartedly agree with. Click this link to check out the full article: Tap Into Your Own Personal Power

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